"When something bad happens, you have three choices. 
You can either let it define you...
Or you can let it destroy you...
Or you can let it strengthen you. " - Unknown
I find myself in a completely new chapter of my life. I am no longer a teenager. And I am on a journey to become the young woman God created me to be. Let me explain this a little.
 I am the kind of person who can disappear into something I love easily. Last year that was a boy. Like many girls I (unconsciously) thought love looked a bit like a Disney movie. There was a Prince. And he solved almost all your problems. 
And when that didn't turn out to be true I realized that I had put my relationship with this extremely awesome person on a pedestal. And how that was going became how I was doing. And when it was gone, so was I. That is no way to love anyone. Not good for me, and not good for the other person either. 
Don't get me wrong- I had some of the best days of my life last year. I have learned so much about my self and life from it. It was an absolute joy and privilege to be a part of this persons' life. I have nothing but respect and fond memories for the whole thing. Well, that's a lie. 
I have a lot of good lessons learned too. 
For example: The fact that defines me most is that I am a daughter of God. It took a year for me to realize I need nothing more to feel complete and purposeful. Relationships and love and kisses and all of that are a great bonus for life- but not the end all and be all. 
And that is where I am at in life right now. Optimistically looking forward and fondly putting memories away. And that is how I am seeing this ending and a new beginning. 
I am reminded of the verse in Lamentations chapter 3:
22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

With all of that said, I hope to talk a lot about the things that God continues to teach me this year. So far there are two big themes He seems to constantly bring up: community and creativity
I'll share more about that in future posts. 

Have a blessed weekend!
<3 iisabellaanne